Why Green Marketing?

In this contemporary world, an ecological issue such as global warming interests both the marketing practitioners as well as the consumers. The term “green marketing” simply denotes all the activities intended to generate as well as facilitate any exchange in order to satisfy human needs such that satisfying these needs happen with the most minimal input on the environment. Companies all across the globe have started differentiating their products and services by using go-green concern and have started utilizing ecological marketing approach as a mere competitive edge.

This green marketing approach is largely used as a gimmick by the gigantic corporate houses in order to make a difference in the consumer’s point of view when it comes to major market decisions.


Strategic Business

The global changes in the environment are becoming critical not only for the consumers but also for the managements across the globe. Despite the fact that loads of environment protecting rules and regulations have been put into practice, there is a general belief that these laws lack competitiveness.


The green evolution has evolved steadily over the period of time. There were initially three long phases in the evolution of the much hyped green marketing. The first phase was known as the ecological phase. In this phase, all the marketing activities were carried out in order to assist the ever increasing environmental problems and offer solutions for these problems. The second phase was called the environmental phase as after the environmental problems, the entire focus was shifted on the implementation of cleaner technologies. This phase also led to the discovery or the invention of products that would better the environment or at least not increase the already existing problems. The last phase is termed as the sustainable phase of green marketing which is still prevalent. This phase came into existence by the late nineties and early millennium.

With the human wants escalating heavily, the resources are decreasing. Hence it has become mandatory for the marketers across the globe to use the resources efficiently and not waste them under any circumstances. World wide surveys indicate that consumers globally are changing their behaviour towards products and services. Green marketing is almost inevitable as the market for socially responsible products is increasing greatly.

Why Green Marketing?
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