Leadership – Between Strategic Planning and Doing

Planning in simple words can be defined as formulating ways of proceedings or determining the tasks that need to be carried out. Planning involves a rational and orderly thinking of ways. It is a mean with the help of which desired goals can be achieved.

Strategic planning on the other hand is nothing different from planning but it is a series of lesser plans. For instance, plan for sales, plan for the products to be manufactured, plan for marketing, the required level of company’s profitability etc. Strategic planning does not trigger direct action but it is a process of deciding on objectives of the organization, determining policies to attain these objectives, how to arrange resources and alterations if required.

Strategic Business

It is a long term planning and usually concerned with whole organization. Thus it involves divisions and sub divisions of the whole enterprise into departments, sections, jobs, positions and assignment of work according to the knowledge, skill and interest of individuals.

Strategic Planning

Right Direction – A Successful Doing

The term Direction refers to human relations. No matter how good a planning is, no matter how best organizational set up has been provided for, if direction fails nothing fruitful may come out of the efforts put therein. A good planning and a best organization may fail to deliver the goods if the direction is faulty and not up to the mark.

Concept of Leadership

Leadership represents an abstract quality in a man. A leader may or may not be a business executive but a business executive must be a leader. Leaders are known by different designations. In family he is the head, in a tribe he is chief, in army he is commander, in a cricket team as a captain.

In organizations, It depends on its nature and business that who is to be designated as the leader. Whoever is to be designated to be the leader, he must posses the leadership qualities because there is a difference between a boss and a leader. Here it is essential to understand the difference between a boss and a leader.

He is the driving force and gives orders. He is the coach and advisor.
He is confined with his authority. Confidence and enthusiasm are the key qualities of a leader.
He generates fear. He inspires enthusiasm.
He looks for faults. He knows the answers for such faults.
He makes the work drudgery. He makes the work a game.
He believes in I. He believes in WE and YOU.

According to one group of thinkers “LEADERS ARE BORN NOT MADE” but another group is of a view that “LEADERSHIP CAN BE AQUIRED”     by sheer indulgence and hard work and through experience.

There could be different Leadership Styles. Some are as follows:

  1. Directive Leadership characterizes a leader who lets subordinates know what is expected of them, gives specific guidance regarding what is to be done and how it should be done, and ensures that his or her role as leader of the group is clearly understood.
  2. Supportive Leadership characterizes a friendly and approachable leader who shows concern for the needs and well being of subordinates. A supportive leader treats subordinates as equals and frequently does little to make the work more pleasant and enjoyable.
  3. Participative Leadership characterizes a leader who, when faced with a decision, consults with subordinates, solicits their suggestions, and takes ideas seriously In arriving at a decision.
  4. Achievement Oriented Leadership constantly emphasizes excellence in performance and simultaneously displays confidence that subordinates can and will achieve the high standards that are set. Such a leader sets challenging performance goals and encourages subordinates to take personal responsibility for the accomplishment of those goals.

Following are the ways by which a leader can influence subordinates’ perceptions and motivates them:

  • Recognizing subordinates’ needs for outcomes over which leader has some control.
  • Increasing personal payoffs to subordinates for work goal attainment.
  • Making the path to those payoffs easier to travel by coaching and direction.
  • Reducing frustrating barriers.
  • Helping subordinates clarify expectancies.
  • Increasing the opportunities for personal satisfaction contingent on effective performance.


Since personnel in an organization provides the key to success it is necessary to provide such a leadership, guidance, supervision, communication and counseling to all the members of the organization from top to bottom and vice versa so as to induce every individual to put his heart and soul in the job given.

Good planning and right direction is essential for the implementation of the plan and get the desired results. If any one of them is missing then this will be a waste of human resources as well as financial resources and will lead to a total failure. Good direction helps in seeking cooperation of all and creating team spirit.

Leadership – Between Strategic Planning and Doing
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